What languages are better for translating

YouTube video?

Stop asking Google!
The Creator Tools team will share their own research
on a topic that interests many YouTube bloggers
Some types of content will perform better in one country, while others will perform worse in the same country
"What languages are the best to translate YouTube videos into?" - This is a very common question. We would like to just attach a list of languages or say: “Translate into everything,” but this is wrong! After all, bloggers work in different niches; and each niche may have different demand in different countries and language groups. The culture of some peoples has a unique influence on a person’s thinking and, among other things, on preferences in video. This means that some types of content will perform better in one country, while others will perform worse in the same country. Of course, it is always better to translate videos into the most popular languages - so we will give a list below.

Another popular question we want to answer:
How to find out which languages are best to translate YouTube videos yourself?
Creator Tools
Very simple! Here is the action script:
Step 1
Translate several videos on your YouTube channel into all the languages you can. For example, 10 videos in 100 languages each.
Step 2
Go to analytics and see where and in which languages there is better retention and more views:
Step 3
Select languages that have the worst retention and low views.
Step 4
Compare these languages with other videos.
If you constantly have a low score from video to video, then this language should be removed; or understand: what can be done for this language to attract as many views as possible?
If the given analytics example looks complicated, we recommend translating it into 100 languages. So you definitely can't go wrong!
If you calculated a smaller number, then pay attention to the language core - these are the languages into which it is always desirable to have a translation. After all, 95% of YouTube users do not speak Russian, and 80% of users do not speak English! Two languages already – 25% coverage. Should we neglect others?
Ok, so what are the most popular languages into which it is always advisable to translate the title, description and subtitles for my video?
Creator Tools
Russian, Ukrainian, Serbian, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, English, German, Hebrew, Arabic, Vietnamese, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Indonesian, Indian, Japanese and Turkish
These languages are like a core to which additional translations need to be added. There are only 100+ languages, by translating into which you increase your chances of getting millions of views!
We recommend languages for video translation based on popularity and viewership. The Creator Tools Translation service has built-in analytics and, as a result, the plugin highlights the most popular languages according to service users.

Translating videos to YouTube can significantly expand the audience and increase popularity on the platform. And our Creator Tools service will help you!

Russian version of the article is here.

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